Sometimes Dreams Come True

Today on my substack account, my personal newsletter, I sent the below message about my book release which is today. I believe this book will be a game changer for the women we serve so I didn't want you to miss this update and see for yourself. Please continue to read below.

I can’t remember exactly when I started dreaming of being a published author. Perhaps it was after I submitted my first poem to our church’s newsletter around the age of 16. Or maybe it was when pain tried to silence me attempting to take away the life, the energy, the image of God within me that I made an internal promise to myself to find avenues to speak my truth. I believe that promise led me to blogging, creating content on several social media accounts, speaking, preaching etc. I don’t know exactly when I dreamed it but the seed of telling my story to encourage others has always been in me.

The interesting thing about a dream is you never really know if it will ever come true, how it will happen or what the end results will be. Because my 16 year old self could’ve never dreamed of the book I’ve written. All I know is there was something inside of me that was created and called to write this book.

Friends, I’m absolutely elated that today my book, “Does God See Me?”, is officially in the world.

The journey of writing this book has been a supernatural journey with God. There were many shifts and moves of the Holy Spirit throughout this process that led me to believe that God has been playing a major role from the very beginning. It was God who renamed me Dieula (God is here, God is present) and I believe it was also God who had me elevate a question we all have in common as my title: Does God See Me? Some may see these things as coincidences but I know what I know and that is God saw me.

To answer this question for you; the answer is yes, God sees you. Yes, you. You living your ordinary life, God sees you. You wondering if God will ever move on your behalf, God sees you. You who is unsure if anything beautiful can come out of the situation you’re in, God sees you. You, who asked this question just yesterday, God sees you. Join me as we journey with God on this messy yet beautiful journey that includes lamenting, asking hard questions of God, grieving, rejoicing and at the same time holding on to hope.

To start, order your a copy of the book. I’ve created a link that includes all of the places you can order the book and podcast interviews of me discussing the book. Find the link here.

Also, join me today for the official release live on facebook, instagram and youtube at 9:15am EST. If you miss it, you can catch the recording on my youtube and facebook pages.

Lastly, I’ll be touring a few cities to promote the book, read excerpt of the book, sign copies of the book and connect with you. I’d love to meet you at one of my upcoming events. If I’m not speaking in your city, let’s talk so we can change that.

I’m looking forward to hearing you. If the book moves you in anyway, tell others about it and write a review to have others experience what you experienced.

Thank you for journeying with me.

PS. Also, If you're not yet one of my Substack subscribers, please join here.

With Gratitude,

Dieula Previlon,

CEO/Founder of ElevateHer International


Advent-Hope-Lessons From Haitian Women


Does God See Me?